
The Sheriff of Newcastle 2024-2025
Councillor Henry Gallagher
Sheriff and Deputy Lord Mayor of Newcastle 2015-2016 Councillor Hazel Stephenson
Following the Norman Conquest William I sent his eldest son, Robert Curthose, north to defend the kingdom against the Scots. After his campaign, Robert moved to Monkchester and began the building of a 'New Castle' giving the town its name. William's successor, William II (or Rufus) sent an army north to recapture the 'New Castle' that had fallen into the hands of Northern
rebels led by the Earl of Northumbria, Robert de Mowbray. From then on the castle became crown property and was an important base from which the king could control the northern barons. The Northumbrian earldom was abolished and a Sheriff of Northumberland was appointed to administer the region.
This system of governance lasted until 1399 at which time King Henry IV, in recognition of New Castle's growing importance as a trade centre, mainly for wool and coal, granted a new charter. This charter created a County corporate which separated the town, but not the Castle, from the county of Northumberland and recognised it as a "county of itself" with a right to have a sheriff of its own. The burgesses were now allowed to choose six aldermen who, with the mayor would be justices of the peace. The mayor and sheriff were allowed to hold borough courts in the Guildhall.
Notably, amongst the list of sheriffs recorded since 1401, the first being a William Redmarshall, there was clearly a problem in 1808. Records show that Thomas Burdon, Esq. who had served as sheriff in 1807 was (unusually) re-elected sheriff in 1808. On December 24 he was succeeded by Benjamin Sorsbie, Esq. who then resigned on the following 23d of February. A certain George Shadforth, Esq. was subsequently duly elected. His nonage had prevented his earlier election, and no other person could be procured. The unusual circumstance of so many changes in one year reflects the great difficulty at times in 'persuading' suitable people to accept the office.
The Sheriff of Newcastle held the same responsibilities as sheriffs of many other towns and cities. The holding of office could be expensive. During election to Office in Council proceedings of 1864-1865 tributes were made to the retiring Sheriff, Mr William Hunter. In his tribute to Mr Hunter, Mr Gregson highlighted how 'onerous' the task could be of holding the Office of Sheriff of Newcastle. He stated that Mr Hunter had held the office of Sheriff in a year 'when very onerous duties were imposed upon him'. including a visit from the Royal Agricultural Society. This and other visits had 'taxed severely the industry, generosity and hospitality' of both Mayor and Sheriff who were obliged to entertain largely at their own expense.

In 1996 the Office of Sheriff became merged with that of the Deputy Lord Mayor. Many duties include making public appearances to support local businesses, community initiatives and civic events.

Sheriff and Deputy Lord Mayor of Newcastle 2017-2018
Councillor Linda Wright
Customs and Traditions
The Sheriff's Chain

The 15-carat chain consists of fancy gold curb links, with a gold 18-carat pendant badge bearing the City Armorial Ensigns in enamel.
It was given to the City by Alderman and Sheriff William Haswell Stephenson, JP in commemoration of the Jubilee of Queen Victoria, 1887
Sheriffs of Newcastle

Sheriff (and Deputy Mayor) of Newcastle, 2013-2014 George Pattison
Year Sheriff
1996 Mary Nixon
1997 David Slesenger
1998 John Cunningham
1999 Peter Thompson
2000 Mary Carr
2001 John Marshall
2002 Margaret Carter
2003 George Douglas
2004 David Slesenger
2005 Diane Packham
2006 Peter Arnold
2007 David Wood
2008 Michael Cookson
2009 Brenda Hindarsh
2010 Geoff O’Brien
2011 Jackie Slesenger
2012 Margaret Wood
Year Sheriff
2013 George Pattison
2014 Ian Graham
2015 Hazel Stephenson
2016 Linda Wright
2017 David Down
2018 David Cook
2019 Habib Rahman
2020 Habib Rahman
2021 Anita Lower (until
July 2021 (RIP)
2021 (July) Karen
2022 Veronica Dunn
2023 Maureen Lowson
2024 Henry Gallagher

Sheriff (and Deputy Mayor) of Newcastle, 2019-2021 Habib Rahman